Xassy, not sassy, because after 40 we are extra sassy. Thanks for visiting Xassy.com, the place where women in midlife find unbiased information, solutions and community.

Xassy’s objectives

Xassy’s objective is to help women stay healthy, happy, beautiful, sexy, have a positive mindset, and avoid the bad symptoms during perimenopause and menopause.

Xassy is dedicated to sharing with you unbiased information, and effective solutions, tips and tricks to transform from tired, hot, sweaty, sleepless, depressed, uninspired, bloated, constipated and exhausted to a healthy woman with energy, vibrancy, strength and beauty.

Beautiful midlife

At Xassy, we believe that perimenopause and menopause is not only about hormones, it is about our whole self.

At Xassy, we believe that the time when our bodies are transitioning to different hormonal levels is a very special time. It is the opening of a new, more fulfilling chapter in our lives. It is a time to embrace ourselves with amazing love and compassion. It is both a time of introspection and a time to continue giving.

For most women entering perimenopause and menopause is a time of discovery.

Discovery, because our body is changing and asking for attention and the things that worked so well in the past are no longer effective. That happens at the physical level, but on a mental and spiritual level, we feel alive, we feel the same, we are not “old,” we are us, but better and wiser. But as we are evolving, we need to shed old limiting beliefs to flourish and become our best self.

At the same time, the whole environment colludes to tell us how to view ourselves, how to dress, how to feel, which illness to have, etc.

The new midlife

The new generations of 40- and 50-year olds do not respond to old stereotypes.

We see ourselves in the mirror and we are different than we thought women in their 40s and 50s should look like. We see the media showing people in their 80s calling them over 50. Certainly they are not lying, but they are not accurate either.

For the media and the advertising companies, over-50 is a target market for drugs, and the older and sicker they can make us feel, the more drugs they are going to sell.

Over 40 and 50 year old is a market for “anti-aging” cosmetics, and the older they can make us feel, the more we are going to buy.

We know well that 40s and 50s are just one more number. We are still the same even if our bodies are asking for attention. All that brainwashing has an effect on our minds and bodies; it is called the nocebo effect, the contrary of placebo.

We start to believe that anything we feel, is because we are “old”, if we are tired, if we forget something etc. is because we are old. I am here to tell you that that is not the true, it is not age, it is hormones, limiting beliefs, and a lifestyle not conducive to health. And the good news is that you can change that.

You cannot stop aging if you are alive, but you can be healthy, happy and strong and you can also be interesting, sexy and beautiful.


Modern science tell us that the illnesses people tend to develop in middle age and later are not the result of aging, but of either not taking care of our bodies or overdoing certain things, such as sports and stress.

Advancing in age is a given if we are alive, a non-healthy life does not have to be.


At Xassy, we teach you how to achieve that

  • How to lower hormonal imbalance to improve perimenopause and menopause symptoms
  • How to control your weight while eating real, wonderful, delicious food
  • How to be happier, more peaceful and purposeful
  • How to live life to the fullest
  • How to achieve effortless beauty
  • Fear should not be part of the journey if we are fulfilled and healthy.
  • Wrinkles and other insignificant signs can be overcome
  • Sexiness does not need to be lost or forgotten. We are still sexy, pretty and desirable, because the beauty stereotype gives way to charm, sensuality, personality and humor.
  • When we arrive at this age we have accumulated good and not so good things. We have to lighten up from the not so good things and get more of the good ones.
  • The hot flashes, lack of sleep, weight gain, depression, sadness, and feelings of unfulfillment are signs of an imbalance in our bodies and souls caused by external and internal causes and we can eliminate them.
  • If you want to know more about how to have a healthier, happier, sexier midlife, I invite to join me in this corner of the Internet. Subscribe to our newsletter and join us on Facebook and Pinterest.

About me

Hi again, I am Loren Chinchilla, yes, like the furry animal. I am so happy you are here. I am a modern health expert, merging science and natural medicine. I am a functional medicine consultant and a health coach. My focus is helping women overcome perimenopause and post menopause symptoms with lifestyle and mindset changes.

Besides that I have an engineering degree and a master in business administration (MBA).

I grew up surrounded by medicine, standard and natural, and my whole life I have studied different natural medicine systems. I studied aromatherapy about 30 years ago. I have studied Mayan medicine, Ayurveda, homeopathy, energy medicine and others. I love natural healing, but as an engineer I always look for science and logic, because there are too many shinning lights (fake healers) on the horizon.

My story with food, illness and limiting thoughts

I have eaten healthy most of my life. I grew up eating a wholesome Mediterranean diet, with mostly organic foods and healthy animals. But at some point in my childhood I developed asthma, and this illness changed my early years.

Because of a bad asthma treatment using adrenaline (the hormone) I suffered many small health issues and I gained weight. I was not overweight, but at that time kids used to be very skinny (remember the 70s) and I wasn’t, I was one of the chubby girls. As I entered puberty I developed acne. And I had a lot of caries and problems with my teeth.

These health issues made me very aware of the importance of health at an early age. I was taught that my genes were at fault. Even thought my family was very “natural” and we used natural remedies now I know that my health was not the best, because of my addiction to sodas and junk food. At home I ate healthy, but not in school.

I was taught to listen and do what the doctor said, the doctor knew it all. Unfortunately, I discovered that doctors did not have solutions for my problems. They cannot cure asthma or acne. The doctor never asked me what did I eat or if I was happy?

At 11, I declared myself a vegetarian. I have been an on-and-off vegetarian most of my life, but now I am a flexitarian; I eat fish and chicken a few times a month.

I started to practice yoga at 13. I have practiced yoga on and off since then.

At 14, I declared myself asthma free and you know what? The illness went away. Yes, some kids overcome asthma and maybe that was my case, but “coincidentally” it was after my declaration.

All those issues awaken my curiosity for healing techniques. Although I was accepted in medical school at the last minute I decided to change careers. I sometimes have regretted this decision, but I think I would not have been happy writing prescriptions. Don’t take me wrong, I think medicine is great and it has its place. But unfortunately it has become a big business and we have been taught that a pill or surgery is the solution, when in reality in many cases, such as in chronic illnesses, many times it is not.

The last twenty years, I have been eating very healthy. I have also experimented with different lifestyles such as raw foodist, vegan, Ayurveda, gluten free, dairy free and others. I think, because of my healthy eating I never experienced any difference by switching my diet to any of those systems. I have a lot of energy and I do not take any prescription medication.

Why me

Some years back I started to suffer from allergies and weight gain. For me it was shocking to develop so many allergies and even more shocking to gain weight, because I was following a healthy lifestyle.

I was eating healthy, following what science was saying: low salt, low sugar, low fat, lots of veggies, lots of water, and eating balanced meals. I was working out, I practiced Christian meditation, I Kondomarie my house before Marie Kondo was even born. I was not supposed to become sick, but I was getting there; I was not supposed to gain weight, but it was happening.

As 50 was approaching I saw things in me that I did not like, such as weight gain especially around the tummy, xanthomas or fat deposits close to my eyes, and the worse part, my allergies.

Besides the weight gain, I have not experienced any other of the negative symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. I believe my healthy lifestyle has helped to avoid the other symptoms, but I had to deal with the other issues.

My doctor, a wonderful man, did not have any real answers. The doctor told me that it is normal to gain weight at your age, it is not dangerous to have those fat bags. Everything is normal. About my allergies, the specialist gave a prescription and a long list of things to avoid. Allergies are “normal,” he said. My lab tests were excellent, and that was the problem; medicine does not have all the answers.

Because something is common it does not mean it is normal. I knew something was off.

I asked my body, I prayed, and it was revealed to me, iodine. I was deficient in iodine. OK, I fixed the iodine deficiency, and took a thyroid supplement. I also was working long hours under a lot of stress and my fitness program had suffered that aggravated my adrenals and liver.

From my research, as it is common, I stumbled on several rabbit holes of contradicting information. I did not know who to believe. The functional doctors had different opinions among themselves, as well as all other natural medicine practitioners, and there was not a lot of evidence of anything. My husband and I were exhausted reading medical information of all types. I started to study to help myself and others and became a functional medicine consultant and a health coach.

I changed the way we were eating, from low fat to more fat, from no dairy to healthy, pasture raised dairy (like during my childhood), more salt and with iodine, more fish and some chicken.

We also switched to intermittent fasting (time restricted feeding or TRF), because no matter how little I ate, my weight was going up and about to cross the healthy line. I included supplements for my liver, adrenals and thyroid. As a result my eye fat bags are almost gone, my weight is back to almost the previous level, my tummy is smaller, my hair is not falling and my allergies are mostly gone.

I have always been very energetic but now I have even more energy, my skin went from dry to normal-oily, my hair is thicker and healthier, libido is normal and I am eating more than ever and more fat than ever, and more delicious food than ever without gaining weight. How is that possible?

Hormones, good nutrition and a healthy mindset make it possible. For me this whole process took years of serious research. Research that I want to share to help other women live healthier and happier lives.

Some random things

  • I believe that in order to eat healthy and help our body reach balance we do not need to join a subculture. We can eat healthy 80% or even 60% of time and the rest not so healthy and reach balance.
  • Guilt should never be part of a nutrition program.
  • We are not a soul or spirit with a body. We are one, and to reach a happy healthy state we need balance and it can only be reached by working with all of our parts: mind, soul, body and energy.
  • I started to write articles and blog in 1999, some of my pieces were published in newspapers and magazines in many countries, including in Cosmopolitan magazine.
  • I love to research every topic that crosses my mind until exhaustion. My favorite topics are food, health, nutrition, beauty, productivity, how to have a fulfilling life and any science topic.
  • Hiking is my favorite hobby; I love to be in nature.
  • I have lived in many countries and traveled to many more.
  • I love learning languages. I am fluent only in 2 and half fluent in 2 more.
  • I am trying to heal my eyes to stop using glasses